Friday, October 18, 2019

Phase 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Phase 1 - Essay Example Looking at the public relation efforts of different companies and corporate bodies, one can easily identify and correlate various salient features that directly impact the sales and profit performance of the companies. The common pattern that has emerged is that the PR1 strategy is designed to promote the companies’ image in three vital areas. The companies use various media to emphasize and disseminate information about them, in order to establish a closer relationship with the investors as well as with their valued customers. The PR exercise, that includes press releases and audio-video advertisements in different media, is a very effective way to inform the investors and customers about the company’s achievements in different areas. The investors’ confidence is strengthened by periodic press releases that inform them about the upward graph of its performance. At the same time, the credibility of the company gets a boost in the eyes of their customers. The PR exercise is also a very effective communication tool that informs the general public about the various ways and means through which the company is discharging its social responsibilities. The involvement of the company in the community services not only facilitates a more personal bonding with its customers and thereby effectively increasing its customer base but it also helps build a very positive image of the company that is designed to give a more competitive edge over its rival companies. Its human nature to identify and support a person or company that empathizes with the problems and concerns of the common man. Media, in all its formats, exerts a powerful influence that can completely change the public perception towards things and persons. It is for this very reason that it has become the focal area of business strategy for the companies. Public relation

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